Tuesday, March 5, 2019

Bouchercon Anthology

I got an email the other day from Rick Ollerman, crime novelist, critic, and editor of Down & Out: The Magazine.  He wrote to me about the short story anthology he's involved in this year for Bouchercon.  For some reason, he sounded a little desperate. He asked me to help him get the word out about it, and though I doubt I'll be submitting a story to the anthology (too much else to do at the moment), I said sure to his request, why not.  

For those interested, here are the details, as Rick put them to me in his email:


I need stories for this year's anthology:
 Attention Writers and Attendees of the 50th Anniversary Bouchercon, 2019:
YES, there will be an anthology this year! And yes, you can submit a story for consideration as long as you’re a registered conference attendee! Here’s all you need to know:
  – One of Bouchercon 50’s goals is to make the largest charitable contribution in the history of the conference. All proceeds from the sale of the books will go toward that effort! LIFT, Literary Instruction For Texas, works to enhance and strengthen communities by teaching adults to read. And Bouchercon gets to help in that mission this year!
   – For a theme, think no further than the conference slogan: Denim, Diamonds, and Death!
   –  Original stories are vastly preferred. Absolutely no reprints, please.
   – Stories should be less than five thousand words. 
   –  The book itself will once again be published by the fine folks at Down & Out Books.
   –  The deadline for all stories will be June 1st.
 If you think you’ve got the story for the anthology, not just a story, please send it to rick@downandoutmagazine.com. We’ll have the book for sale in the book room with some signings and hopefully we’ll be able to make a meaningful contribution to LIFT as well as showcase some of the amazing talent in the Bouchercon writing community.
So let’s go, people. Bring it on!
Rick Ollerman
Editor, Down & Out: The Magazine


Art Taylor said...

Quick FYI: The info about the Bill Crider Prize was ultimately incorrect; the deadline for that has not been extended. I was glad to hear about the anthology, though, since I think that's a nice tradition, and I was sorry to think that it was just going to be skipped this year.

scott adlerberg said...

Thanks, Art, for the info Updating accordingly.