Friday, May 12, 2017

Crime & Music: Johnny Cash

Now that the cat's out of the bag, it's time to start getting excited about Just To Watch Them Die, the Johnny Cash anthology being put out by Gutter Books, featuring my story, Thirteen.

I looked and looked for the video where I discovered the song, but I couldn't find it. Here's Johnny himself talking about it briefly before playing it live.

Imagine, just for a second, what a conversation between Danzig and Johnny Cash actually looks like. I have to hope Glenn was wearing makeup.

I love this song and I think (hope) my story does it justice. There are a ton of great stories in the antho and I can't wait until its out and I can share it with all of you.


Unknown said...

I love JC...
yet, dont fall, too, bro.
God bless your indelible soul.

Art Taylor said...

Sounds like a fascinating anthology—looking forward to it!