Wednesday, July 25, 2018

See Ya, Hope Ya Had a Real Good Time...

That was the goodbye song on a children's television show that I watched called "The Magic Garden" where two hippies had adventures with an inchworm and a squirrel. It played on local access in the New York area, and like all nostalgia, has a small cult following who probably have unwholesome thoughts about squirrels.

I've been having trouble coming up with what to talk about here, and I apologize for the generally insipid filler posts that I've foisted on you on occasion. When you start phoning it in or dreading the prospect, it is time to step down and give the space to someone else, and that time is now.

Thanks to Steve Weddle and Holly West for inviting me here, and to all the Damaged who keep this site bustling. Keep writing great crime fiction.


1 comment:

JJ Stickney said...

It never seemed to be filler. Always paid attention to what you wrote.
Do SomeDamage is a daily stop for me.
Thanks for all you and the others here who work so hard for all of us.
John Stickney