Thursday, November 17, 2016

Todd Robinson to appear on Big Brother?

First. Simon Ampersand Schuster is aquiring Adams Media from F Plus Sign W Media, according to published reports.

2. Simon Ampersand Schuster is a subsidiary of CBS Media.

C. Adams Media is the parent of Tyrus Books, the publisher of Todd Robinson's excellent Hard Bounce.

Ergo: While a number of experts have refused to comment on the timing, it is worth noting that the upcoming season of Big Brother is set to begin filming within the next year or two.

To Whit: As of Nov. 17, Todd Robinson has not denied that he will appear on the new season of Big Brother,

Kate Malmon and Todd Robinson at  2016 Murder and Mayhem in Milwaukee


Holly West said...

You know, this photo is one of the reasons I left FB.

Dana King said...

Someone tell the gook that Zed's dead.