Wednesday, March 9, 2016

Shakespeare and Me

by Holly West

I'm in Europe this week and I'm having fun looking for books written by my friends. Note: "Friend" in this case means someone I've met personally and chat with on at least a semi-regular basis.

So far I've found:

OUTSIDE THE LINES, edited by Souris Hong-Porretta

JEWISH NOIR, edited by Kenneth Wishnia

I've got not one, but four friends involved in this particular project. Kudos, Kenneth Wishnia, Travis Richardson, Gary Phillips and David Liss.

And finally, I found Lisa Brackmann's HOUR OF THE RAT at the iconic Shakespeare and Company bookstore in Paris.

That's it for me this week. Right now, I'm having so much fun I'm kind of feeling sorry for anyone's whose not in Paris.

Au Revoir!

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