(I'm using Wikipedia's definition of the aughts here: The 2000s, pronounced "two thousands", was a decade that began on January 1, 2000,and ended on December 31, 2009.)
Short post this week. I'm also seriously considering doing a list over at Spinetingler of favorite crime flick broken up by decades from the 70's top the aughts, so keep an eye out for that if such a thing floats your boat.
I threw this out as a discussion topic on Facebook. Here are the tabulated results from all of the responses.
I threw this out as a discussion topic on Facebook. Here are the tabulated results from all of the responses.
3) (tie) Kill Bill, Memento, Old Boy,The Cooler
2) (tie) Kiss Kiss Bang Bang, No Country for Old Men, Sexy Beast
1) The Departed
Single vote titles: In Bruges, Gone Baby Gone, Salton Sea, Felon,
Insomnia, Narc, Memories of Murder, Spartan, Animal Kingdom, ONCE, Blow, The
Ice Harvest, The Good Thief, Snatch, Chopper, A History of Violence, The Dark
Knight, Kick-Ass, Sin City, Running Scared, Lucky Number Slevin, Smokin' Aces, Dark
Country, Miami Vice,Eastern Promises, Tell No One.
What was the best crime flick of the aughts?
I can't pick one. Many of those listed have outstanding qualities that could make them best, but the comparisons are apples to oranges.
My contenders, from your list, in no particular order:
The Cooler
Sexy Beast*
No Country For Old Men
In Bruges*
Gone Baby Gone*
Eastern Promises
History of Violence
(If I had to distinguish, the three with asterisks might get a higher level nod.)
I would have listed The Departed, but McFetridge has talked me out of it. The plot just doesn't hold up.
My God, I have a lot of catching up to do, based on this list. But one more vote for Eastern Promises.
Yes, there's quite a range of quality in those selections. And less considered opinion than one might hope for. (I enjoyed LUCKY NUMBER SLEVIN a lot, but it is not a best film of its sort...even if vastly moreso than KISS KISS BANG BANG, even given the fine showcase the latter is for Michelle Monaghan)(a fact that can improve even as self-congratulatory a film as KKBB).
I think the list could include Iñárritu's "Biutiful"--a full on study of petty criminals, murder, and loss. the http://www.imdb.com/title/tt1164999/
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