By: Joelle Charbonneau
Yep – by the title you can guess that this is not going to
be a cheery post. Or maybe it is. Only you can decide.
No matter where you are in life or your profession, you get
up, you get out your toothbrush and toothpaste (I hope), you get dressed and
begin your day. After the sun sets, you
finish your day by going to bed.
Exciting right?
Everyone does the same thing. Get
up. Brush your teeth. (Yes, for some
reason this is very important to me.) Get dressed. Do stuff during the day and go to bed. Day after day. Year after year.
But in between those day to day tasks, we do other
things. And those other things are what
defines who we are and how we see ourselves.
For some of us, we write, which in the case of the fabulous Chuck
Wendig, means we might never even bother to get dressed before we start
pounding away at the keyboard. Day after
day (wedged in between periods of sleeping) we add pages to the pile until
finally there is an entire book. Woo
hooo! Score!
That book should be published and make a million dollars
because we created it. We love it. Life owes us something for all that work.
Life owes us nothing for getting up and writing. It owes us nothing after hours and hours of
rewriting and reworking and submitting and finding an agent. It owes us nothing after submitting to
editors and getting a contract. It owes
us nothing for going through more revisions and going through copy edits and
proofing pages. And more –life owes us
nothing even after the book hits the shelves.
Whether you go through traditional or self-publishing
channels to see the book available for the reading public, you have done a lot
of work. And despite all that work, the
book may barely be a blip on the reading public’s radar. And while that is disappointing to hear, it’s
the way it is. No matter how many
promotional blog posts you write and how many bookstores you visit, your book
may never sell more than a handful of copies.
That book could be the best book ever written and this is still the
case. Because luck plays a part in everything
and life owes us nothing.
Thousands upon thousands of books are traditionally
published every year. Thousands more are
self-published. So if you think life
owes you the top of the list and a ride to the bank to cash all those royalty
checks, you are probably setting yourself for disappointment. I mean, ask yourself how many books you
bought and read this past year. Even if
your reading count is high, it’s only a drop in the bucket compared to the
titles which were published. Think of
how many books you never had an opportunity to hear of and know that if you write
and publish a book—that could be you.
See—I told you this post was going to be a downer. Or is it?
Because while life doesn’t owe you the trappings of success, it does owe
you the opportunity to sit down and type.
After that it is up to you. You
owe it to yourself to take advantage of that opportunity and celebrate the
victories that you accomplish every day.
Writing a page. Two pages. Finishing a chapter. Reaching the halfway point. Typing The End. Life doesn’t owe you those moments, but
rather you owe them to yourself. And
when you are done writing a book, life doesn’t owe you fame and fortune. If you are writing to achieve those things
you are most likely going to find disappointment at the end of the publishing
rainbow no matter what happens. But if
you go into this business remembering that life doesn’t owe you anything and
that you are doing it for yourself—then each day will be a triumph and every
reader who sends you a note telling you how much they enjoyed the story will make
you feel as if you have found a pot of gold.
Writing is about you and the story. A published book is about the story and the
reader. And that is the case whether
life owes you anything or not.
All writers (musicians, artistic people in general) should read this. We chose these endeavors; no one forced us. We all had the choice of doing what we loved, or being secure; you can't ask for both. Every writer/musician/artist should be grateful our lives worked out to give us the option to be in this situation. Many--possibly most--people do not.
As always, Joelle, you inspire me even when you may not realize it (like with this particular post). I read it last night before writing, and while I found it a wee depressing when I first read it, I totally got it---and appreciated the message---while I was writing and even after. You gotta do it because you love it, not because it's going to have any other payoff. Words to write by. Thank you again, wise friend.
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