By Russel D McLean
Russel is a little behind this week, so this post originally appeared at the brilliant Detectives Beyond Borders Website to promote The Lost Sister when it launched in the US. With Father Confessor due out soon, it seemed an appropriate post as once again, Father Confessor - due out in September - is as much concerned with the emotional states of its protagonist as it is with the action (which involves people being thrown through windows and a full on police raid - just to tease you!)
Being a Scotsman, I was the perfect person for Peter Rozovsky to ask about the price of a gin and tonic at 2010’s San Francisco Bouchercon. After all, we do like to know where our money’s going and I can tell you this: those drinks were expensive.
How did I know?
I didn’t need two litres of Irn Bru* to recover after a night in the bar.
I admire Peter for more than just his ability to sense when he’s being
overcharged at a bar. His dedication to the world of crime fiction is to
be truly admired, so when he asked me to guest here on DBB as part of
my blog tour promotion for the US release of The Lost Sister, I jumped at the chance.
After all, he’s one of the people who got the book, in my humble estimation. In his recent critique of the novel,
Peter picked up on more than a few points that I felt were absolutely
vital to what I was trying to do with the novel. In particular, he
picked up on the book being about emotions.
I am not – and this
will be clear to anyone who’s heard me wax lyrical on the subject – a
fan of what I see as “puzzle” mysteries, where the object is to solve
whodunit or to merely catch the killer (you might as well be trying to
catch the pigeon along with Dick Dastardly and Mutley for all that it
eventually matters). While these things can indeed be part and parcel of
a good crime story, I’ve always been more interested in the emotional
states of the invested parties. If there’s a mystery I’d like to solve,
it’s the mystery of why people react the way they do in certain
The thrill of a good crime story for me is seeing the
ways in which characters react to unusual and unsettling situations.
The measure of a character for me is in the way they are affected either
by direct involvement with or being witness to something unusual,
something that breaks the status quo. Whether or not that status quo is
eventually restored is less important to me than uncovering the ways in
which people try to pick up their lives.
I guess that’s why I
don’t write about a police officer. There is a natural degree of
detachment that comes with the police officer as an authority figure
that never appealed to me as a writer. A private investigator falls
midway between being a civilian and having a professional interest in a
case. They have a clear goal, a mission, and yet they are not so bound
by rules and procedure as the copper might be.
They can walk where uniforms fear to tread.
also the fact that having an investigator as your protagonist means you
can come at a case sideways. A copper will always have to investigate
after a crime. They are rarely in the midst of the transgression. A PI
can never start with a body. They are not police and they should not be
used as a rogue substitute. Their professional remit is different.
More personal.
More emotive.
More involved.
eye allowed me to adopt an investigative stance while still looking at
the way in which people are affected by crime and transgressive acts.
McNee’s own emotions are as much of a puzzle to him as those of others.
His own motivations require as much interrogation as those who fall
under his professional gaze.
I’ve said it many times before that
crime fiction is the perfect genre. That it allows authors to not only
tell a story that moves, that twists, that surprises and thrills, but
also to lay deeper groundwork. The nature of crime is naturally emotive
and through characters and their attitudes, crime can explore issues of
personal morality, of value, of empathy and so much more. In short, if
we want to, we can beat the literary boys at their own game (and we
often do).
So yes, The Lost Sister
is a novel about a man searching for a missing girl. It is a novel
about some very dangerous people. There are scenes of violence. There
are plot twists and misdirections.
And at the same time, as Peter said, The Lost Sister is a novel about emotions. About loss. About the search for a kind of redemption and whether such a thing is even possible.
You can read it as one or the other. Or both. I just hope you enjoy it.
Bru is Scotland’s best hangover cure. Unofficially. Officially it’s a
delicious fizzy beverage. The hangover cure’s just a side effect.
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