Sunday, January 29, 2017

Getting My Imagination Back Into Shape

My final edits for Another Man’s Ground have been turned in, and I’m now back to my work in progress – the third Hank Worth mystery. With the holidays and some other writing projects, it’s been a while since I’ve been able to work on it every day. I’ve popped in and out, certainly, but the consistent daily work had to take a backseat for a while.
It’s wonderful to be back. It took me a couple of days this past week to get there, but I’m back in my groove. I love the steady satisfaction of pages of text appearing on the computer screen. The kick of creating something from nothing. And it gets easier the more I do it.
It’s a lot like exercise. It’s hard to drag your butt off the couch, but when you do it – and the more consistently you do it – the better you feel. And your imagination needs a work out just like any other part of your body or mind.
The revisions I’d been doing were great (making everything better is always a good thing), but the first draft of a novel is where my imagination really gets a workout. I’ve got a couple of great new characters, including a real jerk. And I’ve got some existing characters grappling with heavy-duty problems. I don’t know how I’m going to solve them yet, or whether I’ll solve them at all. We’ll have to see where my imagination leads me.

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