If you're doing NaNoWriMo, then today you're hitting word 16,670, give or take. Day 10.
I don't know who you are (take that piece of tape off your webcam, silly) or how you write, but for many folks, getting to word 25,000 is a big deal, a spot where everything changes. Maybe you've exhausted a sub-plot. Maybe you've begun to realize that your main plot isn't quite as airtight as you'd thought. Maybe you've convinced yourself that your main character's motivation is rubbish. I don't know. I don't know you. (Maybe put the tape back over your webcam, k? And clean yourself up. What? You've been getting up at 3am to write? Staying up until 1am? Wow. Nice work. )
Plow through. Or stop and outline. You're in this big NaNoWriMo thing, but one size doesn't fit all. That's the problem with a program. Sure, it can start off motivating you, but you'll work differently than others. You'll struggle getting started. Or hitting your stride. Or you'll sprint on the weekends with 6,000 words, but the workweek will slow you and the following weekend you're worried you've lost your mojo. Friend, I get it.
So I present for you today some motivationing.
9 authors who published their NaNoWriMos like badass MoFos (bustle)
8 more (including Water for Elephants and Wool and Night Circus)
From authors you've never heard of to authors you have, the lists are long and extensive.
So stop reading blogs and get back to your 1,667 each day.
You've got this. You've just gotta keep getting those words down.
"There may be people who have more talent than you, but there's no excuse for anyone to work harder than you do." - Derek Jeter
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