Sunday, July 24, 2016

A Thank You Note

Writing is such a solitary thing, that you can forget how many people are supporting you. I was lucky enough to be reminded yesterday.

From the fellow moms who watched my kids so I could get those chapters finished by deadline to the design expert who helped do my promotional bookmarks and the photography buff who took my author photo, I have friends who have pitched in regularly with their time, their skills and their encouragement to help make my book a reality. Their enthusiasm has been priceless.
And then there’s my family, who put up with my hours closeted away with a laptop and my frequent stares into space as I contemplated plot points. (That happened at dinner. A lot.) There aren’t enough ways to say thank you in the English language for me to express how grateful I am.
So for all the people who – even though they never write a word – help writers become authors and help books become reality, thank you.

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