They say a picture is worth a thousand words. Which I suppose as a writer I should take
exception to. I mean, it takes me less
than a second to snap a photograph.
Depending on the day, a thousand words can take anywhere from one to
twelve hours to write. Hearing that
phrase can totally make a writer feel pissy.
Especially since I think we can all agree with the sentiment. I mean, in writing, it is up to the author to
create in words all the things than an image captures in seconds. A sense of place. Tone.
Mood. Emotion. Unless you are writing children’s picture
books, these things take thousands of words to create.
Writers embrace the challenge of immersing the reader in the
world they have created from the first words on the page. Opening the story with a strong opening line
can make or break setting the correct tone and mood. So can putting the book in the correct font.
You think I’m kidding.
Ha! I do not joke about
fonts. (Unless we’re talking about
windings because those are just fun!)
Well, okay…I am not a font aficionado.
When I write manuscripts, I tend to favor Courier New for my funny books
and Times New Roman for my young adults.
When it comes to fonts, I am totally not cutting edge.
However, this week, I got a glimpse of the typeset pages for
THE TESTING. This is not the first set
of type-set pages I’ve seen, but it was the first that really drove home the
fact that while adult fiction authors don’t have pictures helping them set the
tone, we have type-setting that aids us in doing the job. And while a font is just a…well…font…when combined
with a story the font can pull an emotional reaction from the reader.
In my Skating series, the opening sentence of every chapter
starts with a script font. So when you see
the words Falling on my ass really
hurts you get the sense the book
is going to be playful. Fun. Something that is lighthearted.
Murder For Choir starts every chapter with a staff of music
surrounding the chapter heading. From
that opening page you understand that not only is the book going to be lighthearted,
but music is going to feature prominently in the story.
Perhaps it is because I am used to having lighthearted books
that type-setting choices for THE TESTING struck me so strongly. The font chosen for THE TESTING is
stark. Cold. The first sentence of every chapter is in
small caps lending power to the opening phrases.
After seeing the pages, I went to my bookshelf and started
pulling out some of my favorite hardcovers to look at how the typesetting set
CHAMBER OF SECRETS the P of Potter is set to look like a lightning bolt and the
title page has a pattern of gray and white diamonds that automatically set the
tone of the story. The all caps title setting
of Janet Evanovich’s LEAN MEAN THIRTEEN is made to feel quirky and fun because
the publisher chose a funky, almost comic strip style font. Carl Hiaasen’s NATURE GIRL has a small, gray
crab on the title page to help set the tone and almost all the thrillers I
paged through have at least part of the first sentence set in all caps.
Is this the first time I noticed that the typesetting of
ever book was different. No. But it is the first time I really sat and
thought about what the typesetting said about the story contained between the
Now, I want you to
play the typesetting game with me. Grab
the book you are reading and look at the title page treatment and the first
page of chapter 1. Tell me what the book
is and what tone the font and the treatment of the title set for you.
I'm reading Killing Floor by Lee Child, which I am enjoying... but the fonts are boring and it does leach some of the action out of it, every time I pick up the book.
I write in Bookman Old Style. When it comes to submitting, I change it to whatever the publisher wants. The Denny stories get written in Courier New, it feels like a typewriter and his thoughts are all stream of consciousness like I gave my angry inner child the typewriter from my grandma's basement and let him go wild.
Really interesting. I'll pay more attention from now on. In school we use Sassoon Primary and Comic Sans for children with literacy difficulties, so I should be more aware.
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