Tuesday, March 13, 2012

The Whole Free Thing

So I had a pretty good week.

First off, my wife and I finally closed on our house and moved in. To celebrate, I played around with Witness to Death and made it free for a few days.

And the book did better than I ever could have expected. Over the span of a week, the book was downloaded over 25,000 times. Meanwhile, when it returned to costing money, it got into the top 100 in both the US and the UK. It's sold so many copies this week, that I've nearly doubled the copies sold.

So, while I'm sitting here, surrounded by half empty boxes, I wanted to take a moment and thank you all for your help. WITNESS TO DEATH is in the hands of more people than I could have ever imagined.

Hope you all enjoy it.


Steven J. Wangsness said...

That's inspiring!

Ricky Bush said...

Wow! That's a lot of downloads that you've gotten into the hands (or e-devices) of readers.

Nigel Bird said...

That's an incredible figure. Happy home to you and your wife and hope you sell enough to pay off the mortgage real quick.

Nice news all round.

AJ Hayes said...
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AJ Hayes said...

The reason is simple, Witness To Death is a damn good book. And Dave is a damn good writer. Proud to have been an early adopter (that means I paid for it, he said, laughing )of the novel. Congrats Dave.