by: Joelle Charbonneau
I’ve had lots of opening nights. Standing on stage behind the closed curtain you can hear the buzz of the audience. The orchestra tunes up. The energy is electric. No matter how many rehearsals you’ve had or how well you know the show, there is a rush of nerves. A burst of adrenaline. Under the excitement there is always the worry that the show might not be ready for the audience – the press – the world.
Then the curtain goes up. The orchestra plays and there is no time for doubts. No time to worry about whether you’ll remember your lines, lyrics or dance steps. The show starts and there is nothing to do but enjoy the ride.

Tuesday the curtain goes up on SKATING OVER THE LINE. It’s only my second opening night in the publishing world. I’m excited, scared, anxious, keyed up and filled with adrenaline. But unlike a theatrical performance—there is no orchestra tuning, no dance steps to be performed or songs to be sung. I can’t peek from a crack in the curtain and look at the audience that is waiting to be entertained. I can only hope that one by one an audience will find the book.
Someone asked me recently how things have changed for me the second time around the publishing merry-go-round. The answer is this – I know finding an audience is hard. I know there is very little I can control when it comes to helping the book find an audience. Yes, I can tweet. Sure, I can use facebook and other social media. If I’m lucky friends, family and readers will tell others about the book and encourage them to pick it up. But getting the word out doesn’t mean an audience will come. I can only hope they will.
So, today I am chewing my nails as the orchestra files in and begins to tune. Tomorrow I will probably drive my family nuts as I try to ignore the adrenaline pumping through my veins and the worry rolling in my stomach. And on Tuesday I will stand behind the curtain. If I’m lucky, there will be an audience waiting on the other side and together we will all enjoy the ride.
(And thanks to my fellow DSD writers and readers for all your support. You have no idea how much it means to me.)
I’ve had lots of opening nights. Standing on stage behind the closed curtain you can hear the buzz of the audience. The orchestra tunes up. The energy is electric. No matter how many rehearsals you’ve had or how well you know the show, there is a rush of nerves. A burst of adrenaline. Under the excitement there is always the worry that the show might not be ready for the audience – the press – the world.
Then the curtain goes up. The orchestra plays and there is no time for doubts. No time to worry about whether you’ll remember your lines, lyrics or dance steps. The show starts and there is nothing to do but enjoy the ride.

Tuesday the curtain goes up on SKATING OVER THE LINE. It’s only my second opening night in the publishing world. I’m excited, scared, anxious, keyed up and filled with adrenaline. But unlike a theatrical performance—there is no orchestra tuning, no dance steps to be performed or songs to be sung. I can’t peek from a crack in the curtain and look at the audience that is waiting to be entertained. I can only hope that one by one an audience will find the book.
Someone asked me recently how things have changed for me the second time around the publishing merry-go-round. The answer is this – I know finding an audience is hard. I know there is very little I can control when it comes to helping the book find an audience. Yes, I can tweet. Sure, I can use facebook and other social media. If I’m lucky friends, family and readers will tell others about the book and encourage them to pick it up. But getting the word out doesn’t mean an audience will come. I can only hope they will.
So, today I am chewing my nails as the orchestra files in and begins to tune. Tomorrow I will probably drive my family nuts as I try to ignore the adrenaline pumping through my veins and the worry rolling in my stomach. And on Tuesday I will stand behind the curtain. If I’m lucky, there will be an audience waiting on the other side and together we will all enjoy the ride.
(And thanks to my fellow DSD writers and readers for all your support. You have no idea how much it means to me.)
Best of luck, Joelle. I'll do my best to spresd the word, about both novels.
I'd say break a leg, but that seems like such a waste of a nice leg. Knowing the way an author wants to come out, though, fuck it. Break a leg.
Good luck, Joelle. I know you'll knock 'em out.
Congratulations and good luck. I don't get a lot of readers at my blog, but I like to think they're a discerning bunch. If you'd like to do a quick interview or send a sample along for a post, I'll be happy to post.
I think you're set and ready for take-off. I know your kick-ass writing, but if I didn't, I'd surely take that book off the shelf and read the opening page.
Do a signing at a roller derby!
You guys are the best. And Dana - I'd be happy to pop by and do an interview or a post. Let me know which and I'll hop to it:)
Thanks for all the support!
Your description of pre-release anxiety is dead on...My hands are clammy, heart is racing and I'm still 33 days away from my first release (11.1.11).
You have a cool cover, great blurb and strong writing. Success is in the bag. Or on the skate? Best of luck.
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