Sunday, October 6, 2013

5 years

by: Joelle Charbonneau

5 years ago: I didn’t have a literary agent.  I’d never sold a manuscript or worked under a deadline or had an editor.

5 years ago: My son hadn’t spoken his first word.  He hadn’t taken his first step or taken his first plane ride.

5 years ago: My husband, son and I lived in a different house and drove different cars.  Heck, my husband even played a different saxophone. 

So much has changed in the past five years.  Lots of tears have been shed and laugher has filled joyous moments.  Lots of books have been published and manuscripts written.  My son runs everywhere.  He reads.  He writes.  He explores the world with great joy.  In five years, I have grown as a person, as a mom and a writer.

5 years.  So much is different. 

Why am I thinking about what happened 5 years ago?  Because 5 years ago, I lost my father. 

The loss left a hole in my heart that can never be repaired.  5 years ago, we said goodbye and he never had the chance to see my son run across the room or see a book with my name on the cover.

5 years ago, our lives changed forever. But something will  never change.  I love you, Dad.  Not a day goes by where I don’t think about you.  I know you are watching and I know you are proud.


  1. A very touching post, Joelle. All the better to remind us to enjoy every moment.

  2. My parents have been gone for a long time. One thing is true, they never fully leave. Memories keep them close. Love the cowgirl clothes!

  3. Life sometimes words in the strangest ways. I'm glad you had such a great relationship with your dad. I love my dad so much it hurts sometimes. He just celebrated his 77th birthday, and the number is starting to scare me. He has been my rock my whole life. He's the one who supported all of my artistic endeavors, and he never fails to make me laugh. Thanks for posting this, Joelle. I will give him a call today and tell him how special he is to me. And, good for you for pursuing and reaching your dreams. xoxo

  4. Works!!! (I hate when my computer records what I type instead of what I mean!)
